Get Involved:

Legend of The God Print Still
Anne prepares for seduction

How can you help Legend of The God Print?


Quality filmmaking costs money. We need to purchase equipment, lighting, costumes, materials for props, and much more. It can also be a full time job. In order for people to take time off work and clear their busy schedules, we'd like to be able to compensate them as much as possible for their time.
That is why we're asking anyone and everyone that can spare a few dollars to donate to our project. You've seen what we can do without a budget, please help us raise one so that we can take Legend of The God Print to the next level.

SECURE DONATION VIA PAYPAL (click donate button to continue)
All PayPal donations will be considered investments in the film, and may qualify for a return. This basically means that as the film makes money you as an investor will be paid back first, and then you'll double your money before anybody else gets paid. SO if you invest $1,000 you'll receive $2,000 before any of the cast or crew is paid. More information may be found in our Business Plan.


Legend of The God Print Still
Schneider conducts an experiment

You don't need to be a seasoned filmmaker to join our team. You don't even need to be a filmmaker! We're looking for collaboration in every sense of the word and are always welcome to suggestions. If you are interested in the project, and willing to donate your skills in any capacity, please contact us.

We are in need of:


Simply getting the word out about our project is a great way to help. Tell your friends, add us on FaceBook, come to our parties and events. Keep in touch and let us know if

you'd like more information.